Job Action Day: Empowering and Inspiring Your Job Search

Today is National Job Action Day, and it’s a perfect time to brush up on your job search and interviewing skills. Created in 2008 by Quintessential Careers, Job Action Day was intended to empower and inspire hard workers who dreamed of achieving more.

It’s a day to connect workers and job-seekers alike with career advice from experts in the career field.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Reach out to experts in your desired field for informational interviews or to find a mentor who can help guide you. Their expertise will be the most beneficial in your search.

  2. Review your résumé or have a human resources professional review it for you. Make sure it’s up to date, well organized, and relevant to the job you want. Remember: your résumé is not a chronological detailing of your entire career; it is a listing of the most relevant past positions for the job you want. You can fill in the rest in the interview.

  3. Find a job fair in your area which might have employers who need your skills and expertise. Remember that a job interview is a two-way street: you are also interviewing them and should come prepared having done your homework on the company and with relevant questions.

    If you are a veteran in your field of expertise or even someone past the point of starting out, consider being a mentor for others to help them get started. We all need that one person who believes in us; you could that person for someone else!

    If you are still looking for your dream job, this is the day to make it happen!

Bonnie Tsai